Why oh why do I find myself sucked into their insanity? Women, many older than me just ripping each other apart. I cannot even comprehend the lives they lead with wealth, nannies, mansions, nothing better to do than drink and fight and fight and drink...(I do understand a lot of them do work...Go Team Vicki...)but many of them have the luxury of shopping all day in lavish shops that serve complimentary champagne...really? I mock it and hate myself for watching, but every season rolls around and again I get hooked. My hubby despises me watching...says I get angry and confrontational. This coming from a guy who is obsessed with war and kung-fu movies as well as ultimate fighter. He is right. I delve into their lives as if I am one of the gang..."Come on Tamra, lay off Alexis, you are a bully!"...I root for certain people more than others. Team Nene. Team Vicki. Team Carole. Team Lisa. Team Jacqueline...My girlfriends and I can gab all day regarding the damned franchise called Real Housewives. Damned you Andy Cohen. Damned you Orange County. Damned you rich women with huge walk-in closets and bi-monthly Botox injections. Damned your low-carb diets and home gyms and personal assistants and hairstylists and make-up teams...Someone like me that suffers from low self-esteem should have never glanced at even one episode. But it is my guilty pleasure. My naughty escape from elmo and potty training and neverending episodes of family guy and futurerama...Do I want to be a Real Housewive? Nah, but I wouldn't mind shopping with one of their credit cards or attending just one of their lavish parties, as long as Nene and Gregg were there to protect me from the "haters"...
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