Monday, May 6, 2013

Where do I begin?

I am already a tad confused and I have only just begun...I am a sort of newbie to the blogging world, but over the last few months I must now admit...I am obsessed with the "blogging world". Fashion, Beauty, Health, Exercise, Crafting, Kids, Food, Shopping, DIY, Travel, Outfits, etc. I cannot wait each day until I check all my favorites and what is new in their world/blog. So, for me, a stay at home mom on the Big Island of Hawaii, it seems only fitting that I should attempt my own blog...and maybe one day someone (or more)will look forward to my own daily dose of life via MERDY INC. You ask Merdy INC.? What in the heck is a Merdy? That was the nickname given to me in High School by my friend's nephew whom couldn't pronounce my real name Mary. He was adorable and only about 3 or 4. He greeted me as Merdy everytime he saw me. My friend Tara continued calling me it through our senior year of high school,into college, and even now many friends still refer to me as Merdy...even my hubby from time to time. I honestly just added the INC. to amuse my husband... I have suffered from low self-esteem since I can remember. I am now in my latter 30's and still feel less than adequate a lot of the time. My husband is my biggest supporter and constantly praises why don't I accept the praise? I think it is just embedded in me, a nasty habit that seems so hard to break...I have two beautiful boys that bring joy to my days and so much laughter. I want them to have the best possible mom. A mom that loves herself inside and out because it will show them self love. I want them to know each and everyday how amazing they are. I want them to have the highest self-esteem. I want to rid myself of this nasty habit once and for all! I think in sharing in my joys and sometimes struggles I will begin again to heal from something I believe so many people, especially women suffer from. We beat ourselves up over the small things which in the grand scheme of life mean nothing. So, that is all for now...a little weary but excited for this new journey.

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