Thursday, August 29, 2013


I did it. I woke up. Got in the shower, spent 10 minutes or so on make-up, dressing, etc. and got the kids out of the house for some fun. I felt so much better taking a few minutes extra to look semi-presentable. My hair has a life of it's own, but I want to embrace it's thickness and wildness. So sick of pulling it back all the time. Have been doing that since I was in grade school.

We went to Target, Goodwill and an outing at the park. Must admit that Goodwill wasn't the best idea, I got 4 or 5 great things, but the boys were out of control. Note to time leave them with dada. I will take a few pics of my finds because I am pretty amazed I found some stuff. Our Goodwill in Kona isn't the best. I was spoiled in Seattle, San Diego and thrifting for the price.

Back to the park...we ran and played our hearts out, and Keoni begged to take pictures so I apologize in advance...they are beginner shots. Him and Dada and I are all just learning. But he is so cute when he realizes he has taken one. "Momma, I did it, I did it. I wanna see it."

Happy Thursday!

 pretty good shots from a 3 year old. shorts-american eagle, sunglasses and shirt-target...
 he is almost 2, my noa bear, the terrible 2's are already here...this is a sweet shot though before he thru a tantrum
 this is how keoni "posed" me
 i am reading the beautiful mess photo idea book and so they wanted to practice jumping shots
 silly poses courtesy of Keoni Kauhane Mench
 their fave slide in kona
 keoni wanted to play tired in shots
 for a brief moment they weren't fighting
 noa's tired shot
 i think i had the worst tired pose
 love their hair
 future rock wall climbers

shaka and a view of those comfy target sandals

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