Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I tried to get out of my lackluster pajama/hermit wear this past week. I was so excited after Wednesday's victory, but this sneaky cold reaped it's ugly head and I just didn't have the energy or motivation. My hubby's bday party was on Saturday, and I tried...huge failure. We almost canceled due to the cold, but decided to be strong and carry on. I think I changed 10 times before the guests arrived. I didn't even get a pic of my final look. Was over it at that point. I tried to cut-off and lighten some overalls I got on Amazon, and no matter what I do they just don't look right on me. I thought it would be perfect to sport them at the party because we were hoping to play badminton. I just didn't feel comfortable in them. Ended up in my newer Zara jeans. Thought I loved them but they are tight and just don't stretch enough. Maybe I need to keep trying...So moral of my story is I tried. Better luck this week right?
I feel a tad embarrassed even posting this, but in blogging day to day you have to show the good and the bad. I look pail and sick in this. My husband kept telling me to look serious. I disagree with his modeling suggestions. At least if I had a smile on my face I would have been remotely faking feeling good. Probably the last time you will see a braid in a while. 9:30am haircut. Wish me luck! Stayed tune for pics...

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