Thursday, September 12, 2013

H and M

I wish I were a blogging pro with years of experience and thousands of followers. "Sorry Reinventing Merdy readers, I am off to another blogging conference in a few days...maybe MIA for a bit..." I wish I had clothing companies bombarding me with free clothing...I am so new at all of this, and I just figured out what "c/o" means in the blogging world...they send it to you? Cool. Maybe one day. If not, I will still continue with this because for me it is fun...An online journal of sorts. Ramblings, pictures and daydreaming which I think everyone needs in life...

I was checking my email and came across H and M's new arrivals...had to take a peak at their online sight again, and was quickly in love with everything I saw...and it made me homesick for the Pacific Northwest in the fall, sweaters and boots, light misty rain, beautiful autumn leaves and remembering my days at WWU in absolute favorite place in Washington in the fall...Unfortunately in Kona right now most people are in tanks, shorts or bathing is quite hot. These are things I would wear if I was magically transported back to Washington right now and able to run around in rain boots with my boys and drink a latte or hot cocoa.

 I may have to purchase this jacket and store it away for when we move back to the Pacific Northwest in a few years. So cool.
 I love it all...that belt is so cool, I could order it and still wear it here in Kona.
 I have always loved a nice peacoat. Want this now!

This look reminds me of the song Kool Thing by Sonic Youth...Sharp outfit!
check out H and M online if you haven't already...

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