Monday, September 9, 2013


Why is it that almost all my girlfriends have the most easy and non-stressful monthly cycle. "Oh mine only lasts three days, no real cramping or pain, just minor discomfort for a day or two..." I kid you not, these are my girlfriends. I, on the otherhand have always suffered from the worst, most painful and dehabilitating menstrual cycles around. We are supposed to be honest in our blogs, right? They really don't have a tampon big enough for my flow...I can't leave the house for the first day or two, unless forced against my will...or if I have some sort of maxi-pad like diaper to support me.

My husband was thinking of sending me away this weekend. I was picking fights with him, which were neither justified nor made sense. He described my actions as similar to a toddler begging for sugar. And then throwing a tantrum. The only thing that assisted me this weekend besides a nice chick flick on Netflix and some jewelry making was take-out from our favorite local Thai Restaurant called Orchid Thai...if you are ever in Kona, go there...great owners and food. My favorite is Pumpkin Curry and Vegetarian Summer Rolls. The best!

I received a package in the mail on friday from my new favorite online vintage store Fancy Treehouse. It is also the owner's blog name, and I think she is lovely. Such beautiful clothes and pictures on her site, and the most adorable little baby girl she has. -here is the link...

Three dresses and a purplish peplum top are what I ordered. I was beyond excited except for the fact that my menstrual cycle was starting. I had thought my boys and I would be taking photo shots all weekend in my pretty dresses and cute country top...Yeah right. I did attempt to get "pretty" yesterday, but it wasn't working. I tried. As I have said before, that is all we can do some days...try, try, try.

We did take the munchkins down to the carnival in town. Scorching hot, but so worth it because they had a blast. Seeing them happy and excited really erases all the personal strife in my life because it doesn't really matter as long as they are enjoying themselves and smiling. I love them.

He is ready to go!
First ride with daddy!
Ready for more after that ride.
His future looks bright, so he's gotta wear shades...
Love them.
They rode the race cars solo. The hubby and I couldn't stop laughing at how excited they were.
Noa he scared or screaming in joy?
High on Cotton Candy...He literally went wild after devouring this.
He wouldn't let any of us have his treat!
Did Daddy spike his Lemonade? He looks a little cross eyed.

I wasn't wanting my picture taken, but Keoni is my cute peplum top from Fancy Treehouse, shorts from F21, shoes trusty converse, jewelry and headband handmade...
Happy Week everyone! Hope it is great!

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