Monday, October 7, 2013

Boat Shoes...

just another manic monday...I always feel a tad overwhelmed on Mondays. I want to get my weeks started off well and productive, but also my body is screaming for a little more rest. telling me to stay in bed, sip tea, and snuggle with the munchkins...I wish!
I got these boat shoes on clearance from target last year. I love them, but rarely wear them. I thought if I got them my hubby may buy me a yacht. well, he didn't. finally got around to working them into a few outfits recently and suprisingly for their 6 dollar price tag they are quite cozy.
I also spent 3 days trying to lighten these brand new levis I got at the Goodwill. I should have documented my journey with this DIY, but it was a boring mess. Still, they are my interpretation of the boyfriend jean. and I only spent 5 bucks. Some days it feels good to wear a slightly loose pair of jeans. Skinny jeans have become a staple in my wardrobe on colder days, but I need a nice roomy pair of jeans too. and levis are so reliable. they last forever!
outfit details-earrings and headband by merdy, scarf-thrifted, jeans-thrifted levis, peplum purple top-fancytreehouse and easy on a sunny but cooler morning in Kona.
jumping off our gate!
my manager DJ NOA BEAR! watch out world!

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