Everything in our house is breaking. Computers, printers, remotes, flashlights, dvd player, calculators, blender, the list goes on. And my favorite boots are falling apart...The weekend has to be the turn around. We are off to the fair, and ready to rumble. I love the ensemble I put together, although my boots were wobbling about and even super glue wouldn't work...I had fun wearing this. Weather actually even cooled down a bit at our house...luckily we are at 2000 elevation so we don't have constant heatwaves like in town. Felt darn good to wear some jeans!
the munchkins found me...
hand shot...cool rings eh?
dress as a top-http://fancytreehouse.bigcartel.com/ ,belt-F21, boots (may be one of the last times wearing if this 2nd batch of super glue fails me)-old target...stroller-via thrifting my boys scoot each other around on this in our yard...it has pink polka dots, hilarious!
Have a great weekend!
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