Monday, October 28, 2013

Lou Reed and Back to the Grind...

We took a last minute trip to Oahu with my hubby to visit with family while him and his brother worked on their parents house...such an amazing house in Kahaluu with a magical view of the ocean. So sad to see it sold in the near future. Their father built it almost entirely by himself over 60 years ago. A really well built house, it seems that nowadays, especially on the islands they are building housing developments left and right in a few months time. They all look the same, and people buy them up for way too much money. They are the sort of houses that start falling apart a few years after being built. Just not the love and care that was put into a house like my hubby's childhood home. Memories and love and hope within every nook and cranny of a house such as this one in Kahaluu...

We had a nice and relaxing time, celebrated my Noa Bear's 2nd birthday...oh how the times goes, and made it home both overly tired and hungry. My hubby is always so good about unpacking within minutes of stepping foot in our house, me, I am the exact opposite. Maybe a week before I see the bottom of my carry-on style suitcase, ughhhh! Hey he packs for one, I pack for three!

We were without internet, and so upon our arrival home I quickly got on the internet. And was beyond depressed to hear of Lou Reed's passing. He was an artist I admired and loved since high school. An innovator of  a style of music so unique and refreshing, and music like that brings people together. My college friends and I spent many a night drinking cheap beer or wine and having dance parties to Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground..."hey babe take a walk on the wild side." Our male friends thought we were weirdos, but it didn't phase us. I miss those days of innonence and not caring what others thought. I miss some of those friends so much as we are now scattered across the globe. And I am so sad of Lou Reed passing. My tribute to him...

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