Sunday, October 20, 2013

Music for the Weekend...

Badly Drawn Boy...First heard of him through my favorite movie ABOUT A BOY...I still can't believe the little boy grew up, dates Jennifer Lawrence, and is an X-Men...I feel old. I could watch that movie once a week and never grow old of it. Hugh Grant, Toni Collette...and the theme song. Never tired of feel good movies like this. I miss movies like that...
Anyways, I was listening to a random mix on my iTunes this morning, and this song popped up. I always love that. When you are least expecting it and a beautiful song from the past brightens your day. Sweet and calm, lovely melody, for some reason this song makes me miss Seattle, brunches on Sunday, the bar I worked at on the weekends, orange leaves, hot chocolate and Halloween décor running rampant through Fremont in Seattle. Hawaii has beautiful beaches and palm trees, but it doesn't have any glimmer of I sit on my bed rummaging through old magazines to recycle, listening to the Shining, and dreaming of a fall Sunday in the Pacific Northwest or wherever the air may be chilly, but the sun is "shining"...and I don't feel guilty for eating a cinnamon roll...I am ready for sweaters vs. bathing suits.

linking up with-

Blissful and Domestic

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