Thursday, November 28, 2013


I am thankful for my boys always. In almost 4 years since Keoni was born they have changed me in a way I can't fully explain or even comprehend. They bring innocence and laughter to my life, and they make me more accountable for my actions and daily living. They are smart beyond their years, and challenge my mind each and everyday. They are my best friends, and without them I would be lost.
I am so thankful for a day to spend with friends and family, eating, chatting, picking fruit from our friend Howard's farm to enjoy. I am thankful for my hubby and stepson, they have changed me for the better as well. I get deeply saddened that my parents choose not to be a part of my life at this time, or know their amazing grand kids...but everything happens for a reason, usually, and in the end I hold closer to my own family and friends appreciating their kindness and love all that much more.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! 

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