Friday, January 3, 2014


this was a quick look I sported a while back for my stepson's soccer game. comfort is key when chasing after toddlers for 2 hours on never ending soccer fields...

posing by our tree with noa bear...trying to sport an older Gwen Stefani look when she was growing out a short hair cut... 
t-shirt-zara, shorts-H and M, shoes-converse, noa bear-not for sale...
had to add this one...certain pics just melt your heart...this one does that for me!
Have a wonderful weekend! I am excited to visit with a former co-worker I haven't seen in years and meet her husband before they head back to Seattle. Hope they can handle the wrath of the two pictured above!
back to the linkups...linking up with Casual Friday Linkup @

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