Tuesday, September 10, 2013

When Life Gives You Boys...

My boys are funny. They are my joy. They are learning and exploring. They love to laugh and sing and dance. But they are also the most difficult endeavor I have ever had to deal with. By this time most days I am done. Tired, dirty, in need of coffee, but aware that a cup this late may keep me up...never good when your youngest is still nursing and wants everyone to awake with him at 5am. They also start to get groggy around this time and whiny...especially when neither of them have napped. They resist naps like the plague. They are Keoni and Noa...the center of my universe right now, thus why I often write about them and post their pictures. I love them more than words can express, but sometimes I must daydream about girlie things, food, music, etc. I need those thoughts and images that are separate. Just a short moment to myself. Still, gotta love the boys.

Roses are pretty, most flowers are, but something about daisies really makes my day. To me they are organic and simple and remind me of summer days, not too hot, sun bright, but a gentle breeze brushing against my cheeks. And they make you want to stop and enjoy a picnic on the grass. 

Lace is lovely and girlie. Opposite of my rugged and messy boys.

A clean and organized kitchen...Bright vegetables ready to prepare and eat. Clean and organized does not represent anything in my life present day. The future, right?

I could listen to Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins album everyday. They are girlie and talented and their music speaks to my soul. 
I grew up with 2 brothers. Root Beer floats remind me of my grandma taking me for outings alone. Italian Sodas and Root Beer floats with grandma were the best.
Never got to say a final ode to my Swag Man. Tim Gunn. You are the most wonderful and eloquent man I have ever watched on television. I love my time alone at night when all my boys are sleeping and I get to catch up on Project Runway and re-watch old episodes.

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