Saturday, August 31, 2013


 tie dye...why is it some stuff turns out so perfectly, but there are always some just off. the shirt on the left was a little too dark for me.
 i am taking this domestic diva stuff seriously, for a beginner...we mod podged, baked organically, glitter sticked, tie-dyed, decorated, bought pretty fabric...and relaxed with green tea, almond milk, stevia and a beautiful mess. i wish i were friends with them!
 love me the tulip dyes...

 for the hubby...spray painted with ocean inspiration, mod podged shells and corals with the hubby's name...i told him it is his future "name plate" for his future man cave when we move in 3 years!
 party animal
 noa bear
he is very into play cooking and baking. love him... 
 keoni's pic of mom and brother amidst mess and construction of our guest house.
 looking for treasures...
keoni and noa's tie-dye. keoni actually helped momma. bit messy, but he was so proud. i forgive him for my few dyed fingers!
Happy Weekend. We are off for adventures in Kona, and a quick trip to Target...

Friday, August 30, 2013

Old School Friday

We are debating a camping trip this weekend so in case I go MIA...Here is my video and music of the week. This is one of my all time favorites. I loved the Fugees and I love Lauryn...even if she is in jail or under house arrest for tax evasion and joined an odd religious cult. "How you gonna win if you ain't right within?" I try to instill this in my stepson. He is a teen and so consumed with superficial. Clothes, technology, lookin' cool, driving a nice car, etc. they are luxuries, but I think the best people I know are the ones that don't focus on this stuff...My brother in law recently wrote something short but simple and so true...Be happy, be humble!


I think for stay at home mommas we don't really have a TGIF. I wish I had one each week, but Saturday and Sunday are still "working" days for me. Still, we are off for a nice family walk this morning, thinking of baking a vegan treat for the kids and I to try, and maybe have a second to run into the craft store solo with my $5.00 free gift card. Not a lot, but hey I will take whatever amount they will let me to supplement my new crafting out Martha! Keoni struggled a bit focusing while picture taking, so the hubs stepped in to help. 3 days in a row...I feel happy. I sometimes dissect the pics afterwards and my flaws, but in general I am feeling proud of myself.

 Keoni somehow switched some to black/white... I like it.


 at least he was aware he was taking some "off" ones, he kept telling me "fuzzy mama"
 my future famous photographer

outfit details-converse shoes, zara crop tshirt, levis, jewelry handmade...soon to be sold via etsy
trying more of the link ups...with two amazing bloggers. love both of their style!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


I did it. I woke up. Got in the shower, spent 10 minutes or so on make-up, dressing, etc. and got the kids out of the house for some fun. I felt so much better taking a few minutes extra to look semi-presentable. My hair has a life of it's own, but I want to embrace it's thickness and wildness. So sick of pulling it back all the time. Have been doing that since I was in grade school.

We went to Target, Goodwill and an outing at the park. Must admit that Goodwill wasn't the best idea, I got 4 or 5 great things, but the boys were out of control. Note to time leave them with dada. I will take a few pics of my finds because I am pretty amazed I found some stuff. Our Goodwill in Kona isn't the best. I was spoiled in Seattle, San Diego and thrifting for the price.

Back to the park...we ran and played our hearts out, and Keoni begged to take pictures so I apologize in advance...they are beginner shots. Him and Dada and I are all just learning. But he is so cute when he realizes he has taken one. "Momma, I did it, I did it. I wanna see it."

Happy Thursday!

 pretty good shots from a 3 year old. shorts-american eagle, sunglasses and shirt-target...
 he is almost 2, my noa bear, the terrible 2's are already here...this is a sweet shot though before he thru a tantrum
 this is how keoni "posed" me
 i am reading the beautiful mess photo idea book and so they wanted to practice jumping shots
 silly poses courtesy of Keoni Kauhane Mench
 their fave slide in kona
 keoni wanted to play tired in shots
 for a brief moment they weren't fighting
 noa's tired shot
 i think i had the worst tired pose
 love their hair
 future rock wall climbers

shaka and a view of those comfy target sandals

Gotta Love Gunn

I'm one of the biggest introverts you could ever meet.
Tim Gunn
Me too Tim. We may fool some but deep in our hearts we are true introverts. xoxoMary

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I tried to get out of my lackluster pajama/hermit wear this past week. I was so excited after Wednesday's victory, but this sneaky cold reaped it's ugly head and I just didn't have the energy or motivation. My hubby's bday party was on Saturday, and I tried...huge failure. We almost canceled due to the cold, but decided to be strong and carry on. I think I changed 10 times before the guests arrived. I didn't even get a pic of my final look. Was over it at that point. I tried to cut-off and lighten some overalls I got on Amazon, and no matter what I do they just don't look right on me. I thought it would be perfect to sport them at the party because we were hoping to play badminton. I just didn't feel comfortable in them. Ended up in my newer Zara jeans. Thought I loved them but they are tight and just don't stretch enough. Maybe I need to keep trying...So moral of my story is I tried. Better luck this week right?
I feel a tad embarrassed even posting this, but in blogging day to day you have to show the good and the bad. I look pail and sick in this. My husband kept telling me to look serious. I disagree with his modeling suggestions. At least if I had a smile on my face I would have been remotely faking feeling good. Probably the last time you will see a braid in a while. 9:30am haircut. Wish me luck! Stayed tune for pics...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pixie Cut Part 3

I was in awe of the pixie cut on ladies last week...funny how some things transpire. I love the look so much on other ladies, but the one time I cut it shorter since my 20's a year and a half ago I was miserable with it. Probably had something to do with my hormones, having a newborn, a not even 2 year old and the fact that my outfit of choice each day was a puked on t-shirt and surf style shorts for women (with a stretchy waist). I just wanted it in a ponytail again.

I am going to try, try again tomorrow. I write this as if I have so many followers and friends out there that care...he he! I thought going bright red would be fun, it looked tie-dyed, then stripped that color brown which still left it a little patchy red. My hubby get pointing out patches of light red every few days. Thanks sweetie, I know it looks a hot mess. I left it alone for 2 weeks. Let it breathe. Then yesterday in the thick of my sickness, trying to make myself feel better I once again attempted for a darker brown it is so damaged.

Why oh why do I do this to myself? Thus, I just want to start over, get it healthy again, and leave the color to the professionals. I thought it might be nice to document on my blog if anyone is reading along. Is there anyone like me that tortures their hair like mine, promises themselves they will stop, yet the cycle happens again when money is tight and boredom kicks in. Damned you You Tube How to Videos that make it look so easy. I should notice most of the posts are from brave teenagers with hair the exact opposite of mine. So, until tomorrow I will say farewell...To be continued...The before and after shots...Here is what I hope to look like!


I have my flaws and my issues, past and present and who knows what will happen in the future. I want people to know I'm vulnerable too and each one of us is.

             Tim Gunn   
       I didn't want to bombard this post with too many pictures because I believe the one along with this quote stand alone. I truly love this man. Of course, in a "don't worry Tim I am not stalking you sort of way." I just wish I could spend a day with you taking in all the knowledge, goodwill, caring and consideration you possess. Project Runway is a great show, but it would never truly work without you. You see the good in those contestants that the rest of roll our eyes at, and I think you bring millions of us to tears each week with your kind demeanor and presence. You exude swag. You make me wish I could be on Project Runway. I want a Tim Gunn critic, a hug, and a long sobbing session over my life woes. You really do inspire me to "make it work" daily with my creative mind. I wish more people I knew had half your class. I know many agree. Tim Gunn=True Swag.          

Monday, August 26, 2013

Must Have Monday...

Having a cold or flu bites especially when it is so hot outside. I get out of whack and down and it can be difficult to just sit and rest when you feel guilty that you should be entertaining the kids, at the park, at the beach, or perhaps doing the 5 loads of laundry that await you, etc. I have no problem procastinating on cleaning when I feel good, but when I feel sick Mrs. Clean mode comes into play..."I need to scrub the floors, walls, clean out the fridge and go to the dump. Even if I have a high fever!" Slow down Mary...It can wait, instead dream of which of these you may add to your collection. The impractical sandals for your stepson's football and soccer season, or the practical shiny rain boots that will keep your feet dry during all the rainstorms in Hilo??? Hmmmm... make such beautiful shoes and are on sale.
These Kamik boots are also on sale...Love the shine and color, 42% off and free shipping from the great Too much to think about while sick!

Pop Culture...

My hubby and the boys took me to Target for a movie and some magazines, and they let me take a long nap. Baby Noa even slept with me. They brought me a cupcake cuz sickness means cupcakes for medicine in a child's eyes. I am feeling a bit better but it may be the cold medicine. Watching the recaps of the VMA awards on the lovely Perez Hilton site. Makes me think of swag, and moreover what I am proud of and what semi-disgusts me in our pop culture society. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are recent pop sort of icons that I feel blessed are preaching their beliefs to our youth. They make me proud. On the other hand, I caught a glimpse of Miley Cyrus...which makes me ill. 20 years old, really a cute and talented girl. And what does she do with this success? Makes herself look a slut and a fool. Sorry for the harsh words, but young girls watch her and want to be just like her. She is fumbling around on stage in inappropriate garb and thrusting everything she can. I am by no means a prude, but as a 30 something mother now I feel a bit sick in a different way than my cold. Why do we applaud artists such as Miley Cyrus? If I were her parents I would feel ashamed. Natural talent wasted on being an idiot. I am thankful artists such as Macklemore and Ryan Lewis continue to shine amidst the pop charts of losers these days. Note to Miley, you aren't Madonna.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Music Sunday

I am really sick with the flu. I feel miserable, so I thought I would keep it mellow with one of all time favorite musicians. He is such an amazing storyteller. Once I feel a tad better I will work on my Swag Recipient. Just a hint...the face has been on my blog before!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Paliku...

I never believed in one true love, love of your life, soul mate, all that romantic stuff. Then I met my husband and my life truly changed forever and always for the better. Happy Birthday. It is your day, have a blast, but remember you still have to do one round of dishes!
 sorry for the embarrassing shot...isn't that what we do on people's bdays???


So cute at 3 years old.

I love it...

Sorry Nicole, but Tim Gunn in camo may be cooler than you

A Final Ode to Nicole Richie's Swag

I am glad I listed her first. She doesn't take herself too seriously, she is funny as heck, beautiful, greatest style, and loves being a mom to her 2 adorable children. You have swag Richie!