Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pixie Cut Part 3

I was in awe of the pixie cut on ladies last week...funny how some things transpire. I love the look so much on other ladies, but the one time I cut it shorter since my 20's a year and a half ago I was miserable with it. Probably had something to do with my hormones, having a newborn, a not even 2 year old and the fact that my outfit of choice each day was a puked on t-shirt and surf style shorts for women (with a stretchy waist). I just wanted it in a ponytail again.

I am going to try, try again tomorrow. I write this as if I have so many followers and friends out there that care...he he! I thought going bright red would be fun, it looked tie-dyed, then stripped that color off...re-dyed brown which still left it a little patchy red. My hubby get pointing out patches of light red every few days. Thanks sweetie, I know it looks a hot mess. I left it alone for 2 weeks. Let it breathe. Then yesterday in the thick of my sickness, trying to make myself feel better I once again attempted for a darker brown hue...now it is so damaged.

Why oh why do I do this to myself? Thus, I just want to start over, get it healthy again, and leave the color to the professionals. I thought it might be nice to document on my blog if anyone is reading along. Is there anyone like me that tortures their hair like mine, promises themselves they will stop, yet the cycle happens again when money is tight and boredom kicks in. Damned you You Tube How to Videos that make it look so easy. I should notice most of the posts are from brave teenagers with hair the exact opposite of mine. So, until tomorrow I will say farewell...To be continued...The before and after shots...Here is what I hope to look like!

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