Thursday, October 31, 2013


a snack and drink at the beach...
kailua...i will always love this spot.
scorching heat...a drink to cool down.
the almost 2 year old pondering his next move...
always some sort of group congregating here...i would too if i lived here.
my boys were obsessed with watching these guys play some sort of ball throwing game. always a good time to be had.
got my fix at the kailua whole many nice people shopping around. we got some tofu spring rolls, chocolate cookies and almond croissants to snack on at the beach. enough said! loving my comfy peplum top thrifted, but new from when you find something with tags still on and only a few dollars...winning!
keoni pic.
over at uncle kurt's making brownies for my noa bear's birthday celebration. keoni took this. sporting my new favorite zara t-shirt. i got soul! love it.
finally made 2 on saturday the nap, a ton of fun, and done with it all by 8pm...
a girl can dream right? if i ever win the lottery...i will buy a house like this...done!
Happy Halloween to all!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lou Reed and Back to the Grind...

We took a last minute trip to Oahu with my hubby to visit with family while him and his brother worked on their parents house...such an amazing house in Kahaluu with a magical view of the ocean. So sad to see it sold in the near future. Their father built it almost entirely by himself over 60 years ago. A really well built house, it seems that nowadays, especially on the islands they are building housing developments left and right in a few months time. They all look the same, and people buy them up for way too much money. They are the sort of houses that start falling apart a few years after being built. Just not the love and care that was put into a house like my hubby's childhood home. Memories and love and hope within every nook and cranny of a house such as this one in Kahaluu...

We had a nice and relaxing time, celebrated my Noa Bear's 2nd birthday...oh how the times goes, and made it home both overly tired and hungry. My hubby is always so good about unpacking within minutes of stepping foot in our house, me, I am the exact opposite. Maybe a week before I see the bottom of my carry-on style suitcase, ughhhh! Hey he packs for one, I pack for three!

We were without internet, and so upon our arrival home I quickly got on the internet. And was beyond depressed to hear of Lou Reed's passing. He was an artist I admired and loved since high school. An innovator of  a style of music so unique and refreshing, and music like that brings people together. My college friends and I spent many a night drinking cheap beer or wine and having dance parties to Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground..."hey babe take a walk on the wild side." Our male friends thought we were weirdos, but it didn't phase us. I miss those days of innonence and not caring what others thought. I miss some of those friends so much as we are now scattered across the globe. And I am so sad of Lou Reed passing. My tribute to him...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hello I Must Be Going...

Love is not a prize you get at the carnival for squirting water in a clown's face the longest. If someone loves you, they just love you.
A quote from this movie I just finished watching on iTunes. I never get the chance to watch movies all the way through since having kids, and unfortunately it seems when I do rent one I end up feeling a bit disappointed. I was an avid indie movie watcher. I spent at least one night a week watching 2 or 3 of them, often twice, sometimes even 3 or 4 times. Since meeting my hubby and stepson I compromised a lot, and you could catch me with them at the movie theater watching all the latest blockbusters. Many of them were worth it to see, and when you have a better half and child integrated into your enjoy what they enjoy because it makes them feel good. Kind of like watching the same episodes of Dora and Diego over and over with terribly sick toddlers.
My hubby has watched a fair amount of "my style" movies too. He likes action, fighting, kung-fu, not a lot of dialogue...but still he found amusement in Welcome to the Dollhouse, Lars and the Real Girl, even thumbs up'd Away We Go with John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph...we have both compromised for one another.
Yet now with a 3 year old and almost 2 year old, we are lucky enough to watch a five minute blooper reel on You Tube that my stepson begs us to check out with him on the daily. My hubby and stepson get to watch some of "their style" movies when I am putting the munchkins down, but normally by then I am too pooped to even think of watching a 2 hour movie. But sometimes miracles happen.
Keoni and Noa fell asleep early, and momma got to watch an amazing movie, only an hour and a half on my computer in peace and quiet with no interruptions. And I loved it. Really loved it. I felt a connection with all the major characters in the story, each storyline, and even in the end it didn't disappoint.
It delved into the depths of relationships and love between different persons and families. Such a mess of topics to tackle, but the writer and director and actors did an amazing job of recreating the complexities of relationships and what love truly is. I don't want to give too much away. Please watch it if you haven't yet. A little sweet, somewhat sad, humorous, and often relatable to anyone that has struggled in life, relationships, love, or with their own immediate family. It's called Hello I Must Be Going... 
This movie restored my faith in independent movies, and reminded me to research a bit more. There is a world of excellent independent movies still being made, but this now sort of mainstream momma just needs to look beyond Iron Man, Fast and the Furious and Jackie Chan.

Monday, October 21, 2013


outfit...necklace-H and M...shirt-Target...shorts-thrifted American Eagle jeans cut-off for the heat...sandals-F21!
I am working on adding new accessories and pieces to my wardrobe that I normally shy away from. A while back I sported a tighter dress which actually was so fun and comfortable, I have been using scarfs and headbands more often since I am trying to grow my hair out. And with this heat in Hawaii hotter than ever lately, it helps in keeping the hair off my face and, it is an easy way to jazz up the simple t-shirt and short ensembles I wear so often at home with the kids or out grocery shopping. I got this teal beauty on sale at  H and M for $5.00 when we were visiting Seattle. It doesn't weigh down my neck, and for me it added just the right "bling" to my basic clothes. Bammmmm.
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. Don't you despise the aftermath of sickness? Not only are you groggy from the cold, but then you must play catch up only to get behind on something else...I would rather watch I Dream of Nene than dust, scrub and do laundry...Happy Monday!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Music for the Weekend...

Badly Drawn Boy...First heard of him through my favorite movie ABOUT A BOY...I still can't believe the little boy grew up, dates Jennifer Lawrence, and is an X-Men...I feel old. I could watch that movie once a week and never grow old of it. Hugh Grant, Toni Collette...and the theme song. Never tired of feel good movies like this. I miss movies like that...
Anyways, I was listening to a random mix on my iTunes this morning, and this song popped up. I always love that. When you are least expecting it and a beautiful song from the past brightens your day. Sweet and calm, lovely melody, for some reason this song makes me miss Seattle, brunches on Sunday, the bar I worked at on the weekends, orange leaves, hot chocolate and Halloween décor running rampant through Fremont in Seattle. Hawaii has beautiful beaches and palm trees, but it doesn't have any glimmer of I sit on my bed rummaging through old magazines to recycle, listening to the Shining, and dreaming of a fall Sunday in the Pacific Northwest or wherever the air may be chilly, but the sun is "shining"...and I don't feel guilty for eating a cinnamon roll...I am ready for sweaters vs. bathing suits.

linking up with-

Blissful and Domestic

Friday, October 18, 2013

Momma Thru the Eyes of Three

flowers always help a sick lady...

outfit details-shirt-american eagle, leggings-Zara, sunnies-target, sandals-Oneill (old), popsicles-target...flower present from Noa Bear...
 I had to take the boys to the doctor a few days ago, attempted to get out of the pjs and was excited to drive to Waimea, 5000 elevation...yeah for the cooler weather. My sinus issues were "off the chain" driving to and fro...the boys actually went wild in the doctor, they have been at home so long that even a doctor's office reminded them of a park. They leaped and jumped off of each chair they saw, luckily everyone working there was so sweet and understanding. The second we arrived back home though, they were immediately 10 times worse again. Today, I am finally seeing the light a the end of the tunnel...Keoni tried to be a trooper and take a few shots this day, not our best, but we did make it out, grab smoothies, get our ears and throats checked, collect a few stickers...and momma had peace of mind in knowing the kids are simply sick with a bad cold.

 have a fabulous and fun friday and weekend all.
linking up with:
Lena B, Actually
and a new link up I found, super cool...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lingering Dreadfuls

This sickness won't go away, my hubby and stepson are back, but my hubby is just as sick as we are...Noa Bear is sleeping, but besides a quick nap here or there he needs to be held every second. Poor guy, him and Keoni's first terrible sickness of their life. I feel like crud, so I can only imagine how they feel. They sure sound horrible. I am living in pajamas, it is humid hot right now, we barely get out of bed, but soon enough we will be better, right??? For now some of what is getting us by in these weeks of icky yicky colds and coughs and fevers and flus.
loads of Dora...I will be happy to get a break from Dora...
green tea for momma...iced since i am in hawaii and it is hotter than heck.
breakfast, lunch and dinner...popsicles soothe our throats.
momma's catching up while the boys nap...
oh Amy...your canned soup is all i can make. it is hard to even open the can, but once in my mouth i feel so much better.
I hope our world gets back to normal soon. I am afraid we may od on popsicles and sugar...Take care everyone out there!

Monday, October 14, 2013

James Taylor

It is official...everyone in our house is sick. And it just won't go away. My Noa Bear took about 4 naps yesterday, and Keoni now has a terrible cough. My stepson is at the doctor now, and Keoni may be later today if his cough doesn't get better. We are both eating applesauce right now to soothe our sore throats.
Tis' the season, right?
The boys are watching a lot of Dora, Diego, Handy Manny and Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Ari and Pali are rewatching their favorite Adam Sandler movies...we love him, and momma Merdy watched a little bravo, an episode of na na na na na...I wanna be on top. ANTM with Tyra Banks...come on they added boys this season! I am more than embarassed at my fascination with this tv franchise, but fully hooked...and rooting for a boy to win...and for Johny Wujek to pop out of the screen and style me...then take a few photos! Ok, now back to reality.
I also watched the Quarterback episode of Glee and cried my eyes out the entire time. I only watched the first 2 seasons of Glee, my munchkins make it near impossible to follow many series which is for the best, but I always had a soft spot for Finn and the actor whom played him, Cory Monteith. Addiction is a terrible thing, I think so many of us can relate. Most of us have battled some form of addiction in our life even if just too much shopping or chocolate eating. My heart breaks for people gone too soon.

This is one of my favorite songs, and was happy to hear it redone in the episode. Didn't get to post this yesterday, so instead we will call it Music Monday...

Now I am off to lay in bed and snuggle my boys as we watch another re-run of Dora...da da da Dora!

Saturday, October 12, 2013


sickness is running rampant in our abode. keoni caught a bug, poor guy was down for the count for days, my stepson has something the matter with him, losing weight, constantly thirsty, lethargic, and then today my precious noa bear caught the bug. fever, so tired, just not his happy self. he lays sleeping soundly next to me as i write...poor poor boy, almost 2, but still my baby. i hope he feels better tomorrow, but even with keoni he is still a little off so it may be a few more days of cold baths, lots of water, naps, and snuggles. oh, and dora...noa never watches tv, but he has a bit of a crush on dora and watches with keoni bear every now and then. he fell asleep watching her tonight. night night my noa bear!
so busy and tending to the sick and weary, i am having crafting withdrawals...
like i said, withdrawals, give me something to the shakes!
a little blurry outtake from a while back, but love this pic of my noa bear...get well soon baby boy!
i have gifted a few of my shell painted headband/crowns to my friends, and trying to find some new good headbands that are sturdy and don't give you an immediate headache, that is something that has forever plagued me with wearing them all the time...why do they give me such a headache? i found a few nice ones at our local craft store, but they are sold out...any ideas?
my painted flower clips...again, i miss making stuff...
mr. aloha...
future gypsies...and they are learning to count!
no matter how sick they may be they still demand and try to steal the chocolate chips...just like their daddy!
prior to his sickness...a gypsy in training with chocolate soymilk...
my normal day to day wear minus the shades while cleaning the house, tending to the kids, washing dishes, doing laundry, etc., etc. sometimes when the kids are quiet i hang with elmo!
last week's fair...another shot of keoni ruling the bouncy castle!
just some pictures i hadn't posted since i started my looking at pictures on other's here are some extra of mine!

hope everyone is having a great weekend. with no sickness and a lot of crafting!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Yeah

I got these shorts right after giving birth to Noa Bear almost 2 years ago...thrifted at a store where all proceeds go to benefit our local hospice. They are too big now, but I still love them. I even dyed them a few weeks ago a pretty periwinkle because the light denim color was always getting stained by munchkins. I wanted to wear them yesterday, but got a tad sad because they didn't look good with any of my belts, and they are just too loose now. After about an hour in them I was forced to hike em' up every few minutes...I think I shall tuck them away in my closet for events like Thanksgiving when I need extra room in the waist!!!
more of my uniquely painted wooden beads attached to black faux leather cord...can be worn as a necklace or bracelets...wearable art!
the hubby wanted me to pretend I was rich and famous and the papparazi were after me...gotta have fun with the shoots in the world of the Mench's...
outfit details-thrifted denim shorts, t-shirt-F21, jewelry-Merdy Creations, booties-Target (last year's clearance)...the booties are my homage to fall, although yesterday was so scorching hot I felt no presence of fall in Kona.
Happy Friday...
linking up with:
Lena B, Actually