Saturday, October 12, 2013


sickness is running rampant in our abode. keoni caught a bug, poor guy was down for the count for days, my stepson has something the matter with him, losing weight, constantly thirsty, lethargic, and then today my precious noa bear caught the bug. fever, so tired, just not his happy self. he lays sleeping soundly next to me as i write...poor poor boy, almost 2, but still my baby. i hope he feels better tomorrow, but even with keoni he is still a little off so it may be a few more days of cold baths, lots of water, naps, and snuggles. oh, and dora...noa never watches tv, but he has a bit of a crush on dora and watches with keoni bear every now and then. he fell asleep watching her tonight. night night my noa bear!
so busy and tending to the sick and weary, i am having crafting withdrawals...
like i said, withdrawals, give me something to the shakes!
a little blurry outtake from a while back, but love this pic of my noa bear...get well soon baby boy!
i have gifted a few of my shell painted headband/crowns to my friends, and trying to find some new good headbands that are sturdy and don't give you an immediate headache, that is something that has forever plagued me with wearing them all the time...why do they give me such a headache? i found a few nice ones at our local craft store, but they are sold out...any ideas?
my painted flower clips...again, i miss making stuff...
mr. aloha...
future gypsies...and they are learning to count!
no matter how sick they may be they still demand and try to steal the chocolate chips...just like their daddy!
prior to his sickness...a gypsy in training with chocolate soymilk...
my normal day to day wear minus the shades while cleaning the house, tending to the kids, washing dishes, doing laundry, etc., etc. sometimes when the kids are quiet i hang with elmo!
last week's fair...another shot of keoni ruling the bouncy castle!
just some pictures i hadn't posted since i started my looking at pictures on other's here are some extra of mine!

hope everyone is having a great weekend. with no sickness and a lot of crafting!

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